Buying your house and auto insurance from the same company is a simple and effective approach to saving money on insurance. This option is called "bundling," and it allows you to save money by purchasing many policies from the same insurer.
The following are some of the reasons to bundle your house and auto insurance:
- Savings have increased. Depending on the personal insurance company and where you live, a multi-policy discount might offer savings.
- Insurance protection. Having other policies with the same insurance company can reduce the possibility of your personal insurer canceling you if you've made vehicle insurance claims or received fines.
- Having only one agent to handle all your personal insurance needs can reduce un-insured claims.
- Policy administration can be simplified. When many policies are issued by the same organization, managing them should be easier.
Before you make the switch, make sure you'll actually save money. Any differences from your present coverage should also be noted. You may have us shop around for the best coverage and pricing once you know what your savings and options are.